Introducing BoundlessMiles! (My Award Help Service)

Introducing BoundlessMiles! BoundlessMiles is my own award booking help service. I’m super excited to start my own award booking service for a number of reasons including the fact that readers constantly email me asking if I can help with their miles and reservations. Of course I help as much as I can, but I can’t get to every single email from you guys. I thought I would make everything ‘official’ and finally start my own help service.
The name behind the service is simple – miles are boundless. They can take you far and wide all around the world, they are boundless. I generally LOVE helping people out and therefore I wanted to finally start my own help service since I realise not everyone has time to research how to use their miles and I want to make sure everyone gets the most out of them. BoundlessMiles will maximise your miles to make sure they take you far and wide, with a 100% satisfaction guarantee you should give it a try! ๐
I’m super fortunate to be able to open something like this, it is all thanks to you guys. If you weren’t reading my blog, I would’ve probably given up a long time ago on blogging. But the reality is that I LOVE blogging and I love sharing my knowledge, tricks and tips with you guys! The most exciting part of my day is when I write articles for you guys, I know I don’t always have time to publish but in all seriousness I’m planning to integrate much more blogging into my schedule this year.
Miles are my passion. They are my hobby. Before flying and travelling, I didn’t really have a ‘hobby’, it was mostly time spent on the computer doing pointless things. Now I’m able to see the whole world and it is all thanks to miles and points.
Check out BoundlessMiles:
As always, thank you so much for reading Travelling the World, I realise I’m very lucky to have this opportunity and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else! (Not even 100 Million Lufthansa miles ๐ )