Lufthansa Business Class B737 Kraków to Frankfurt
Lufthansa 1365
Kraków (KRK) – Frankfurt (FRA)
Boeing 737-500
21 July 2014
Boarding was a mess, as is always the case on European flights, but this time there actually was a priority line! Well… not a priority line, but a priority sign which read ‘Business Class/Star Gold’ and I guess we (the people from the lounge) were supposed to cut in front of the regular queue which led to some angry Economy passengers.
We were taken to the B737-500 by bus (as is the case in practically all airports in Poland except in Warsaw), and the bird was parked ages away from the airport terminal.

Business class consisted of only three rows and the third row was empty and there were only three passengers in Business class so everyone had a row to themselves.

We were delayed about five minutes and at that point the captain came on the PA to advise us there is some thunder over Europe.

I love it when I have a full row to myself!

We took off about seven minutes behind schedule.

I love looking at airports from the sky, the runway looks insanely huge in comparison to the airport.

About fifteen minutes after departing, the FAs and the purser began preparing meals for Business class. There was one FA who was strictly responsible for Business class meanwhile the purser went back and forth between both cabins.
The ‘lunch’ consisted of cold chicken with noodles and cheese. The chicken and the noodles were edible but the cheese not so much. The dessert consisted of berries in pudding and some chocolate.

I requested some hot tea with lemon and sugar to go along with my meal.

And later requested some more tea and champagne 🙂 The purser actually opened the bottle for me and at that point there was a loud ‘pop’ and he just smiled and brought the bottle and poured it at my seat.

As soon as I finished the last glass of champagne, we were already landing in Frankfurt. The flights between Poland and Germany go by so fast that you don’t even get a chance to finish your meal properly.

We ended up landing in Cologne (kidding… on Runway 25R) and it took at least twenty minutes to get to the other side of the airport where the remote stand was.

Overall intra-Europe business class is nice (totally not worth paying for though), assuming you get a whole row and a bottle of champagne to yourself 🙂