Lufthansa Business Class A321 Frankfurt to Munich

Glamorous Dubai – Introduction
Lufthansa 120
Frankfurt (FRA) – Munich (MUC)
Airbus A321
19 August 2015
My Porsche driver introduced me to the flight crew and told them to make sure to take good care of me during the flight, the purser smiled and said that she would. We actually arrived a bit before boarding began and therefore I was among the first people on the plane and had some time to chat with the crew.

This quick thirty minute flight from Frankfurt to Munich was operated by an Airbus A321 with a ton of Business Class seats, however about 30% were only taken, and the flight was about 50% full. Once the doors were armed and we pushed back, the safety demo began and the purser welcomed us onboard of our quick flight. Legroom on the A321 is a bit better than on the A319 and A320 that Lufthansa has, I don’t know if it is just in the first few rows, but it seemed to me that there was just more room.

We took-off from Runway 18 right on time and made a slight turn towards Munich. Once the seatbelt sign was off, the flight attendants immediately began the service, which in Business Class consisted of a snack and drinks.

The snack consisted of some fruit, fish, chicken, and some sort of strange sponge-like food item that I don’t even know what it was. Warm bread was also included and for dessert, a chocolate bar. I had some tea along with my snack.

I finished eating and was able to look at the gorgeous sunset as we were descending into Munich, once we were on the ground, it was completely dark. We landed and about five minutes later we arrived at our gate, the nice thing about Munich airport is that it is super compact and easy to transit through.

All in all, it was a quick, pleasant flight to Munich. The main reason why I flew to Dubai from Munich is that there isn’t any First Class service between Frankfurt and Dubai (or at least there wasn’t on the day I wanted to fly). I had about thirty minutes to spend in Munich before boarding was called for my flight to Dubai.